Matthew Darois to Chair the ANS-2.32 Working Group

Radiation Safety and Control Services is excited to announce that our employee Matthew Darois, RSCS Environmental and Engineering Manager, has been requested to Chair the working group responsible for developing the proposed new standard ANS-2.32, “Guidance on the Selection and Evaluation of Remediation Methods for Subsurface Contamination”. In addition Mr. Darois has been invited to become an Executive Member of the American Nuclear Society, Decommissioning and Environmental Science Division. Mr. Darois has over 19 years of expertise in environmental science, hydrogeology, environmental characterization, Remediation, Final Status Survey (FSS) and CAD/GIS 2D and 3D modeling. His broad experience in the field of environmental science and hydrogeology has been applied to a wide range of projects for several industries including nuclear power & decommissioning, radiopharmaceuticals, radiotracer/research, property redevelopment/construction, waste management and disposal, and groundwater protection/remediation.

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