Radiological Program Management Services for Small Radioactive Materials Licensees
As a radioactive materials licensee, you can depend upon RSCS to provide a comprehensive solution for your licensing, operational and decommissioning needs. We support small licensees throughout all stages of their license cycle, from initial application files to operational support. When ready to terminate your license, we can assist with license termination planning, site decommissioning, final status surveys and formal termination from your regulators. We’ve supported hundreds of sites obtain, maintain and terminate their radioactive materials licenses.
Radioactive Materials Licensees all share similar regulatory restrictions for the control and accountability of their materials. However, meeting the specific regulatory and safety requirements related to the materials on their licenses often benefits from custom training unique for the facility. RSCS has extensive experience in providing radiological training to the nuclear industry and other radioactive material licensees. In the past 20 years, we have developed dozens of training programs for licensees, including:
- Calibration and Repair of Radiation Detection Instruments
- Internal and External Dosimetry
- Alpha Source Term Control
- Radiochemistry
- Radiation Safety Officer
- Advanced Radiation Safety Officer
- Contamination Control
- Respirator Training
- Health Physics Technician Training
- Emergency Preparedness
Our training division also conducts open enrollment training for all types of licensees nationwide. Over the past two decades, hundreds of radiation safety professionals have taken our Radiation Safety Officer training and our Advanced Radiation Safety Officer training. We provide comprehensive course material that benefit all types of licensees, including medical, industrial, academic and power generating facilities.
RSCS specializes in assisting small and broad scope licensees, including nuclear power plants, hospitals, universities and research institutions. Services include staff support, program assessment, facility and personnel monitoring, environmental sampling and monitoring, evaluation of effluent releases to the environment to demonstrate compliance, and annual audits to satisfy 10 CFR 20 requirements.
We can assist in providing quality audits and assessments to demonstrate compliance with NRC, Agreement State, EPA and other requirements. Our team specializes in program support, including audits of Health Physics and Material Control & Accountability Programs.
RSCS specializes in assisting small and broad scope licensees, including nuclear power plants, hospitals, universities and research institutions. Services include staff support, facility and personnel monitoring, environmental sampling and monitoring, and annual audits to satisfy 10 CFR 20 requirements. RSCS staff members have extensive experience in the evaluation and development of alpha contamination control programs at nuclear power plants. RSCS served as the Principal Investigator in the development of EPRI Technical Report 1003126, “Program Considerations for Addressing Alpha Emitting Radionuclides at Nuclear Power Plants” (November 2001) and RSCS served as an author in the development of EPRI Technical Report 1013509, “EPRI Alpha Monitoring Guidelines for Operating Nuclear Power Stations” (November 2006).
Our skilled procedure writers are proficient in the development and modification of radiation protection programs to ensure they are written effectively and meet current technical and regulatory standards. Our staff can assist in providing quality audits and assessments to demonstrate compliance with 10 CFR 20, 10CFR 835, and the DOE Radiological Control Manual.