Radiological Waste Characterization & Management Services for Operational and Decommissioning Radiological Sites
Our health physicists and waste experts specialize in providing cost effective ways to dispose of waste from radiological sites. We support all types of site and waste characterization including 10 CFR 61 evaluations, component and facility modeling, shipping and characterization software evaluation, waste package evaluations, and free release surveys (including MARSAME evaluations using either traditional measurements of advanced systems that use HPGe detection. We can also assist your facility in performing assessments of your instrumentation specific to your source-terms for supporting your free release program.
Waste disposal costs account for a significant portion of any nuclear Extended Power Uprate, retrofit or decommissioning project budget. RSCS specializes in MARSAME based waste minimization techniques to support large site projects. This federally endorsed process is designed to logically approach the task of free releasing large amounts of material and equipment using a risk based processed developed from site historical documents and supplemented with sampling. Specialized In-Situ techniques and gross aggregate monitors using high purity germanium and scintillations media are used in parallel with traditional instrumentation to provide a unique process that greatly reduces the amount of time to disposition material for waste or free-release for recycling. In addition these techniques can reduce the need for confined space entry or additional material handling contributing to reduced worker risk. Our team can provide support from procedures and technical evaluations all the way to full turn-key solutions for our clients.