Eric Darois and Matthew Darois invited to present at the NRC’s Second Annual Subsurface Investigations Public Workshop

Eric Darois and Matthew Darois invited to present at the NRC’s Second Annual Subsurface Investigations Public Workshop on May 11, 2022, 12:00 PM to 05:00 PM ET.

This is a remote meeting and the second of its kind hosted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. During the first workshop, Matthew presented examples of subsurface evaluations that he managed for RSCS using GIS tools. For this second workshop, Eric will be presenting on “Subsurface Basement Modeling and Survey Methods” and Matthew will be presenting “Utilizing the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 07-07 Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative as a Foundation for Addressing Subsurface Site Assessments”. Their presentation will begin around 2:10 pm and end at about 2:50 pm followed by a Q&A session. Additional information about this meeting is provided below.


The NRC is holding this second public workshop via webinar on the technical basis for development of interim guidance on subsurface investigations supporting license termination under 10 CFR Part 20. The public meeting notice purpose states, “This research effort focuses on survey design optimization methods, data analysis techniques, and recommendations for associated software development to support subsurface investigations at decommissioning sites. A draft technical report has been developed and feedback received during the workshop will be considered in finalizing the report. Taking into consideration workshop and technical report findings, interim guidance will be developed by NRC staff in late 2022. The objective of the interim guidance is to improve transparency regarding acceptable methods to assess, evaluate, and manage risks associated with residual radioactivity in subsurface soils and groundwater.”  This workshop will include participants from DOE, RSCS, EPRI, NEI and PNNL.  Meeting details can be found at the notice shown as follows:


Public Meeting notice: