RSCS Unveils New Online Training Platform—RSCS Academy

RSCS is proud to announce that our renowned training is now available online with our new web-based training platform—RSCS Academy. RSCS has long been recognized by the Health Physics Society as experts in the field of radiation safety and has been providing American Academy of Health Physics approved courses since 1992.

Our online courses were authored by training professionals and reviewed by Certified Health Physicists, and are objective-based to meet INPO, EPRI, NRC, DOD, and DOE standards and requirements. We offer a variety of technical courses such as Radiation Safety Officer and Radiation Safety Fundamentals, as well as over 400 professional development courses.

The new platform is optimized for desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices, allowing students to take self-paced courses from their home, office, or on the go.

To learn more about our training services visit

To view ourRSCS Academy course catalog, visit