In the Summer of 2023, the Environmental and Engineering Support Team worked on a unique project, constructing a mobile chemistry trailer. Energy Solutions requested a Chemistry Trailer to support chemistry and counting room analysis for lake discharges, well samples, water chemistry during the RVI process and analyze soil samples and open-air demo air samples during the D&D process, final status surveys (FSS), and support of the license termination plan (LTP) throughout the site. FSS samples will be counted over the life of the project. The Chemistry trailer will also house the two Tennelecs which will be in service until all waste is removed from the site.
In December of 2023, Nuclear News featured this story in their magazine. This article unveils a marvel of engineering and scientific ingenuity, showcasing a mobile laboratory designed to redefine the possibilities of on-the-go research. Whether you’re a science enthusiast, a professional in the field, or simply curious about the future of scientific exploration, this piece promises to captivate your imagination. Discover how RSCS is pushing the boundaries of traditional research environments, offering a glimpse into a realm where laboratories can travel to the heart of the action. Don’t miss out on the chance to explore the groundbreaking advancements and limitless potential that the RSCS custom-built laboratory trailer brings to the industry. Dive into the article and be prepared to be inspired by the fusion of mobility and innovation in the pursuit of knowledge.
Click the following link to view the Nuclear News article: RSCS Nuclear News Article Dec 2023