ICTD 9-4

The Ludlum 9-4 ion chamber training instrument simulates beta and gamma radiation surveying using active “live” TWR Source(s). The simulator looks, feels and operates like its real counterpart, including the same features and functions. Functional, configurable beta window.
Train Your Radworkers To:
- Respond to dose rates based on distance to one or more TWR “Live” Sources
- Understand 1/R2 principle
- Hear audible click rate as radiation levels change
- Operate all device controls
- Adjust mR/h rate scales
- Observe open and closed window response
- Recognize device faults and failures
- Simulates all features and functions of the Ludlum Instruments Model 9-4 Ion Chamber
- Built with real Model 9-4 hardware
- Provides all device controls including beta window
- Responds realistically to changes in dose rate
- Supports all fault conditions
- Designed for manual or automatic dose rate input
- Power – Two (2) Standard D (LR20) 1.5V Alkaline Battery (Same as Ludlum Model 9-4)
- Battery Life – Up to 8 Hours
- Environmental – Same as Standard Model 9-4
- Wireless Communication – IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.4-2011
- Dimensions – 234 x 89 x 216 cm (9.2 x 3.5 x 8.5 in.) including instrument handle
Additional Features:
- Display Range up to saturation 0 – 50,000 mR/hr(0 – 500 mSv/h)
- Response performance characterized from real instrument
- Functional 5-range selector switch and light
- Simulated Zero Adjust and Reset push button
- Functional Beta Window with default and user configurable measurement offset