identiFINDER R400

With over 20,000 devices deployed globally, the FLIR identiFINDER R400 is the most widely deployed handheld radionuclide identification device (RID) in the world. It is used to detect, locate, measure, and identify radioactive sources and produces rapid visible, audible, and tactile alerts that expedite response measures. The identiFINDER R400 provides operators the ideal balance of size and weight for a wide variety of monitoring scenarios including all-purpose surveying, emergency response, and environmental monitoring.
- Operating Temp & Humidity: -4 to 122 °F(-20 to 50 °C) 10 to 80%;
- Storage Temperature: 14 to 95 °F(-10 to 35 °C)
- Dimensions: (L x W x H), ≤3.7 x 10.6 x 3.2 in (9.4 x 26.9 x 8.1 cm) -with battery
- Weight: ≤3.2 lbs(≤1.5 kg)
- Cold Start Time: < 2 mins from cold start
- Input Voltage: 100-240 VAC (wall and car adapters and USB cable supplied)
- Nuclide Identification: According to ANSI N42.34
- Sample Introduction: Absorption of EM gamma or neutron emissions
- Sampling & Analysis: From a few seconds to minutes
- Data Storage: 2GB internal memory; up to 600,000 spectra
- Software: On-board webserver software
- Training Requirements: < 10 mins for operator; 1 day for advanced user
- Dose Rate & Accuracy (Cs-137): 0 nSv/h – 10.00mSv/h (0 nrem/h – 1.0 rem/h); ±30 %
- Dose Rate Range: 0 nSv – 1 Sv (0 nrem – 100 rem)
- Energy Range [Gamma]: 20 keV – 3 MeV
- Gamma [High Dose Rate]: Geiger-Mller
- Gamma LaBr3: 1.2 x 1.2 in (30 x 30 mm)
- Gamma Spectrum: 1024 channels; 3 MeV
- Geiger-Muller Dose Rate Range: 100 µSv/h – 10mSv/h (10mrem/h – 1.0 rem/h)
- Global Positionsing System [GPS] [removable]: 12-channel SiRF III receiver
- Overload Dose Rate Range: 10 mSv/h – 1 Sv/h (1.0 rem/h – 100 rem/h)
- Scintillator Dose Rate Range: 0 nSv/h – 500 µSv/h (0 nrem/h – 50mrem/h)
- Service Interval: 5 year factory maintenance
- Stabilization: LED
- Typical Resolution: 4.5 % FWHM at 662 keV